Lake Toba

Lake Toba is considered as the biggest volcanic lake in the world, and it is quite impossible to take it all  in one shot! Reach Parapat and take the boat to Samosir island. If you arrived by local bus, you can take the passenger ferry that will drop you at the guesthouse of your choice.

The Batak Experience

Like in Berastagi, the vast majority of the people in Toba are Christians and have developped a culture of their own. Visit a Batak house and take a look at the stone chairs. Make sure you get the interactive story that goes along with the visit...Walk through the peaceful villages, rent a bike  or motorbike to explore the island. Check out the hotsprings or swim in the  lake  (most guesthouses have a pier).  And for those who do not fall for the easy, relaxing, chill-out atmosphere  in Toba, hilltrecks are also possible.  Outdoor weddings are many around the island, and the Batak following their tradition down to a T, it's worth to take a look. No one seems to mind. You might only have to dance the famous Batak dance...!

Accommodation - Transport - Guided Tours - Jungle Trekking     Rafting - Snorkeling - Diving - Surfing...

For any information please contact Bob on (+62) 813 61164282 or by email:[email protected]

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