Ketambe - Gunung Leuser National Park

                "After lunch we went looking for orang-utans with our guide. Only a few minutes later we spotted a mother and her baby. As she became aware of our presence, she slowly made her way to the highest tree and settled right above us. Our necks streched back, we observed her for a while. The fruit shells dropping informed us of that she was eating.Only then we started to realise that she wasn't just merely letting the shells drop; she was aiming at us... Extraordinaire! Sensationel!"
Marie, France.

Jungle Trekking

Experience the rainforest, its wild orang-utans, horned bills, rafflesia and trees higher than in any other jungle. Accompanied by a local guide you'll be taken into the heart of the Gunung Leuser National Park. Reach Ketambe by bus (10hrs from Medan) or rent a car with driver (6hrs) and stay at a local guesthouse. From there you can choose from 2/3 days trek to 7days trek would you wish to climb Mt Kemiri for example.

What else to do in Ketambe?


Waterfall, Hotspring,

Fresh Food,

Super-Size Nature,

Fire Camp, Good Stories : ) 


Accommodation - Transport - Guided Tours - Jungle Trekking    Rafting - Snorkeling - Diving - Surfing...

For any information please contact Bob on (+62) 813 61164282 or by email:[email protected]

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